Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where rain comes from

I have to start blogging more often. Miss J and now Monkey are saying the cutest things and I don't want to forget!!
(also I'm back in school and the craziness will begin - so I need to be able to look back when this masters is done to see what we make it through!!)

So it was raining SUPER hard yesterday on the way to swimming. As in - I could hardly see through the window and I was driving UNDER the speed limit.

Miss J was kind enough to provide Monkey and me an explanation of where this rain was coming from:

Miss J: Mommy, see those clouds up there? They drank up all the water in the pie. When the clouds get full of all the water from the pie it throws it all up and it comes out like rain.

Me: So its raining now because the clouds are throwing up all the water they got from the pie?

Miss J: Yeah, they got a lot of water from the pie.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


To all my friends who have succumbed to the mini van....

Breakfast Time

Scene: Daddy making boiled eggs, toast and coffee for himself. The girls had already had their breakfast with Nanny and Poppy.
When its just about ready he turns on the TV : "Its the only way to eat your breakfast in peace around here." (we'll call that foreshadowing!)

Daddy brings his toast, eggs and coffee to the table. Girls are watching TV. Moments later, Miss J comes to stand next to Daddy, and Monkey, not to miss out on the action, brings a step stool to the table to stand at his other side.

Miss J: Can I have some eggs?
Daddy: This is Daddy's breakfast. You've already had yours and Daddy is starved to death.
Miss J: Can I have some eggs?
Daddy: No
Monkey: Can I have some eggs?
Miss J: Can I have some of your eggs?
Daddy: mock crying. I just want to eat my breakfast
Monkey is sticking her fingers in Daddy's toast
Miss J: I'm going to go get my own spoon....

Daddy shared his breakfast while Poppy sang the songs to them from In the Night Garden playing in the background.

P.S. - When Miss J first got dressed this morning she the white shirt under her dress was actually a royal blue butterfly print. She agreed to change because we were going to church.